CSF Firewall except being very cool firewall manager, has also a very nice statistics module. It can monitor load, cpu, memory, I/O load, network, email statistics (on Exim only) and MySQL. What is also great it is very easy to enable it. So let’s not waste any more time and do it.
First you need to edit your CSF Configuration. You must edit CSF Configuration that you can usually find on this path /etc/csf/csf.conf. You must find variable “ST_ENABLE” and change it’s value from 0 to 1.
After you save file, you need to restart csf and lfd from command line:
csf -r
/etc/init.d/lfd restart
If after this you still don’t see “View System Statistics” button in CSF UI, you will probably need to install this two perl modules:
yum -y install perl-GDGraph perl-IO-Socket-SSL
CSF UI Statistics preview: